General Wellness
Gyanendra Lal Shilpkar
Shyft Yoga Trainer
January 04, 2023
Improve Digestive Function When you are in a twist, you will be essentially compressing your digestive organs – placing them under weight. This will cause a lack of circulation. When you release your twist there will be a rush or fresh blood that will flood your digestive organs. Fresh blood flow equals fresh oxygen and nutrients. Twisting will increase blood flow to the digestive organs, thus increasing their ability to function. 2. Detox As mentioned above, when you twist you will cut off blood supply to your digestive organs, and then re-introduce fresh blood to your abdominal organs when you release your twist. This re-introduction of fresh blood can help to cleanse the cells of any built up waste because with increased circulation comes increased cellular detoxification. You can also help to move stagnated impurities and gas through your digestive tract due to the compression that comes with twisting.
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Sangeeta Rawat
March 02, 2023