General Wellness

Nitisha Rajpal


Shyft Yoga Trainer

May 03, 2023

Positive Affirmation Practice

Many see affirmations as just fancy pep talk, and even though there’s certainly an element of “fake-it-till-you-make-it” energy, when practiced with intentionality and regularly, daily affirmations can become a supportive tool for your journey. Positive affirmations are phrases that you choose to repeat to yourself. They bring you to the present moment and move you away from the monkey mind. 5 positive affirmations to get you started 1. For confidence and self-esteem: “I am worthy of success.” 2. For self-love: “I choose myself” 3. For gratitude: “I am grateful for all the blessings in my life” 4. For sleep: I choose sleep, rest, peace, and relaxation” 5. For anxiety: “I inhale peace, I exhale worry.”

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Jyotsana Khanna Biyani


May 03, 2023

Pritika Kamal

Shyft Yoga Trainer


May 03, 2023

Swati Jain

The movie 3 Idiots has dedicated an entire song to the power of affirmations: All Izz Whell 🎼 Affirmations work🎯 I have a few favorite that I often repeat to myself.

May 03, 2023

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