Weight Management

Sakina Hashmi


Shyft Nutritionist

May 18, 2023

What is Basal Metabolic Rate and how can you boost your metabolism ?! 🧐

Basal Metabolic rate is the amount of energy expended while carrying basic functions like breathing, digestion etc. when the body is at rest. 5 ways to improve your metabolism 🕺 #1 INCORPORATE ADEQUATE PROTEIN IN EACH MEAL🥙🍛 This does not mean that you stop your carbs, no please have them too but add sufficient protein as well. #2 REGULAR EXERCISE THAT INCLUDES STRENGTH TRAINING🏋️ Weight lifting helps in improving Metabolism, start with 2 times a week and be consistent. #3 TAKE ADEQUATE SLEEP 😴 Sleep deprived people tend to eat more calories, struggle with food cravings and feel lethargic all the time. #4 EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY💁 There is no rule that frequent small meals or 3 large meals will work. Just honour your hunger cues and work accordingly. #5 STOP GOOGLING, FOODS THAT CON BOOST YOUR METABOLISM🙅 I am sorry but no single food can do that. Wholesome meals, physical activity and following a routine consistently are the only secret ingredients for a better Metabolism.

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Anil Prajapat

Shyft Yoga Trainer

That was well summarized, was really helpful.🌻

May 18, 2023


Thanks for the tips! Super helpful

May 18, 2023

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