General Wellness

Nitisha Rajpal



Shyft Yoga Trainer


January 07, 2023

Digital Detox πŸ“±πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»

πŸ“±What is Digital Detox and some tips for those wishing to try it out πŸ“± A digital detox is a great strategy to recharge and refresh your default setting.
Digital detox is about stepping away from your phone, console or device and reconnecting with the real world. It’s a chance to reduce your stress levels and focus more on your surroundings. Excessive technology use can take away time from activities such as sleep, exercise, and socializing, which are all important for well-being. Some Tips For Those Wishing To Try It Out πŸ“Œ Schedule Tech-free Time Each Day πŸ“Œ Make Your Bedroom a No-Tech Zone πŸ“Œ Put Away Your Phone During Meals πŸ“Œ Adjust Your Phone Settings to Limit Certain Apps πŸ“Œ Mute Notifications πŸ“Œ Spend More Time in Nature πŸ“Œ Consume Information Mindfully Take a Break and Feel Refreshed! πŸ™‚

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manav parashar

Thanks for the tips. This is indeed the need of the hour!

January 07, 2023

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