General Wellness



Shyft Nutritionist

July 28, 2023

Foods to boost your immunity this rainy season

In the rainy seasons, 🌦️💦🌫️the White blood cells weaken due to temperature fluctuations, thus lowering our immunity. 🚶🏼‍♂️Malaria and Dengue 🦟🦗cases are increasing along with a rise in eye infections 👁️. Fungal infections also increase due to high humidity and temperature. To stay healthy during monsoons you need to keep your immune system strong. 🏃🏻‍♀️This could be achieved by Consuming these Foods on daily basis ✔️Warm vegetable soups 🫕 ✔️Herbal infused teas ☕️ ✔️Warm cereal porridges 🍵 ✔️Warm spices to boost your immnunity like methi , Cumin, haldi , hing etc 🧂 ✔️Citrus and vitamin C rich fruit🍋🍊🥬🥦🍅🥥 ✔️Protein (lentils , beans ,meat, fish, eggs etc),🍳 ✔️2.5-3 liters of boiled water 🥛 ❌Avoid street foods ❌Processed foods or carbonated beverages 🍕🍟🥓🌭🍔do not have nutrients and will only compromise on your immunity. Have a healthy rainy season ☔️

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