Mental Health

Pritika Kamal


Shyft Yoga Trainer

January 14, 2023


The "Yoga Mat" defines your space - When you practice yoga asanas and meditation, the yoga mat defines that space for you. It becomes "your" own space. A space where you can relax and release all your stress and emotions through asanas and breathwork. Stability - When you place a mat over the area you want to perform your asanas and/or meditate, it becomes a measure for stability. Using yoga mats provides a stable surface. It provides the stability with your body needs as you stretch. Whether you perform your asanas on your back or on your stomach, the yoga mat adds an additional layer of cushioning. It makes the process of practicing/performing yoga asanas easier. Connectivity -The yoga mats here help you feel grounded and connected to your realities. They are a symbol of your reality being in touch with the earthly boundaries.

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Yashpal Gupta

Nice post. Loved it

January 14, 2023

Pritika Kamal

Shyft Yoga Trainer


January 15, 2023

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