Weight Management




Shyft Nutritionist


January 28, 2023

Avocados - how do I eat that ?πŸ₯΅

The only fruit that has 22grams of FAT πŸ”₯ Along with so many other vital nutrients … THESE ARE THE GOOD FATS ( rich in MUFA) !!!. And you will lose weight for sure !!! Some benefits for conditions like : *Hormonal imbalances : The first fruit to go for πŸ‘grab your hands on these beauties πŸ₯‘ Awesome for PCOS or any hormonal imbalance issues. 😍 *High levels of Cholesterol/ Trygylcerides : Helps in reducing blood lipid levelsπŸƒπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ *Weight management : Will move that plateaued weight for Sure πŸ‘ *improves digestion and helps in detoxification Simple ways to incorporate it: ~Multigrain Sandwiches -Prepare a spread / dip like a Guacamole with crushed garlic and Olive oil - sounds tasty πŸ‘… and healthy ~Avocado banana shakes πŸ₯‘πŸ₯›: filling and satisfying too πŸ˜‹ ~Avocado Protein salad combos πŸ₯™πŸ₯™ : If you haven’t tried one : make sure you buy one soft enough , ( avoid toughened ones )

All comments

Asmita Saha

Helpful! But it's hard to find the perfect avocado, either it's too tough or too ripe. I usually get a bit of a tough one & keep it covered in paper on the counter top till it becomes soft within 1-2 days.

January 29, 2023


Shyft Nutritionist

@Asmita Saha that’s a great idea

January 31, 2023

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