Weight Management

Sakina Hashmi


Shyft Nutritionist

January 30, 2023

The constant struggle of falling in and out of routine 🥲

New Year is over, January is about to end but the struggle to get back into routine is still going on! 🌝 We set a routine and the moment there is a vacation or family function or any health issue, we take minutes to get off our routine but, take ages to get back!😐 The problem is not lack of motivation, because common how can you stay motivated all the time it's impossible and we are humans with a built in feature of emotions which govern almost everything. But here's what you can do, focus on being disciplined instead 🤩 Set small achievable goals, start with doing it for just 3 days a week and no matter how you feel make sure you show up for yourself on those 3 days of the week. Let go of all the other fears, do not indulge in self-loathing, just focus on becoming more disciplined! Hope this helps, let me know what you do to bring yourself back into routine! 🤗

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Sonali Sachdeva

Chief Nutritionist at Shyft

Totally agreed. Small goals keep me going & staying constantly motivated 👍👍

January 30, 2023

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