General Wellness

Vaishali Khanna


Shyft Habit Coach

March 17, 2023

Importance of eating meals on time

Your body has an innate wisdom to guide your eating throughout the day, we just need to develop and strengthen our ability to hear it. There are different types of hunger and different ways to respond to them. Consistent meal timing plays a crucial role in helping our bodies develop those reliable hunger cues, so that we are better able to identify and respond to them in a way that suits our body’s needs. Consistent nourishment builds trust with your body by letting it know that you are able to nourish it regularly. Once we become more in tune with our hunger and fullness cues, we’ll start to notice subtle changes day to day. Some days we'll need to eat more often and bigger portions and other days we might find we aren't as hungry, and that's okay!

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Swati Jain

I came across an interesting acronym FLABS referring to emotional states that drive us to eat when we are not really hungry. Frustrated Lonely Angry Bored Sad

March 17, 2023

Vaishali Khanna

Shyft Habit Coach

@Swati Jain Exactly Swati, if not eating on time you will not be able to identify your hunger cues and it can lead to excessive eating related to different emotions what you feel at that moment

March 17, 2023

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