Healthwatch by Shyft

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Top health reads: Informative articles on diet, exercise, mental health, chronic ailments & more

Healthy Meal Planning: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body for the Week

Healthy Meal Planning: A Guide to Nourishing Your Body for the Week

Planning healthy meals for the week can seem daunting at first, but with a little bit of effort and organization, it can become a seamless and enjoyable process. By preparing meals in advance, you can ensure that you're eating a balanced diet, save money on eating out, and reduce food waste. In this blog, we'll discuss some practical tips on how to plan healthy meals for the week, keeping an Indian perspective in mind. Step 1: Create a Meal Plan…


5 minutes



13 Aug 2023

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Tossing and Turning: The Impact of Sleep Disorders

Tossing and Turning: The Impact of Sleep Disorders

Do you have permanent eye bags under your eyes, after you joined med school? Can you not sleep however much you try? Constant exhaustion? Randomly sleeping in the middle of the day? If these situations have been constant and have been causing a major hindrance in your life, you might be looking at something bigger than “routine problems”. Sleep disorders are illnesses that impair a person's ability to operate normally when they are awake by affecting the quantity, timing, or…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023

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Gut health made easy: the top 10 exercises to try

Gut health made easy: the top 10 exercises to try

The secret to a happy gut? Exercise! Did you know that your gut health can affect not just your digestion but also your overall well-being? Yes, you heard that right! Your gut houses a diverse community of microorganisms, known as the gut microbiome, that play a crucial role in maintaining your physical and mental health. And maintaining a healthy gut should be our priority. But, how do you keep your gut healthy? Exercise can be your answer. How does exercise…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023

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Is the Keto Diet for you?

Is the Keto Diet for you?

Who has not heard about the craze of keto? The Keto diet has almost become synonymous with weight loss. “ I lost so many kilos while eating my favourite food!” is the tagline of all keto promotions. But is it all that it is made out to be? Is the weight loss here to stay? What about the health damage? If you are confused about trying this diet, we are here to make your decision easier with a pros and…


6 minutes



06 Aug 2023

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5 ways to manage PCOS Fatigue

5 ways to manage PCOS Fatigue

Are you tired of being tired all the time? And is it because of your PCOS? Living with PCOS is a challenging journey, and there are various reasons why it causes fatigue. But if you already understand those reasons, working on them is more accessible. Read more on: Suspecting PCOS? 5 tips for managing fatigue If you have been searching for ways to manage fatigue with PCOS, then look no more! Our blog has everything you need to know to…


3 minutes



06 Aug 2023

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How to form sustainable healthy habits: Ways backed by psychology

How to form sustainable healthy habits: Ways backed by psychology

Many of us struggle with making healthy habits stick and often find ourselves falling back into old habits. In this blog post, we'll be discussing five tips for forming sustainable healthy habits that you can incorporate into your daily routine. We'll be sharing some psychological facts to back up our advice and keep you motivated along the way. Whether you're looking to start exercising regularly, eating healthier, or simply improving your overall well-being, these tips will help you on your…


4 minutes



05 Aug 2023

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E-Cigarettes and Hookahs in Current Times: Ill Effects and Way Forward

E-Cigarettes and Hookahs in Current Times: Ill Effects and Way Forward

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) and hookahs have gained popularity among young adults in recent years, as they are perceived as a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes. However, research has shown that e-cigarettes and hookahs are not risk-free and can have harmful effects on health. Both these substances cause- Respiratory problems: Vapor and smoke can cause respiratory problems, including coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. It can also cause lung damage over time. Cardiovascular problems: Nicotine in e-cigarettes and hookahs can increase…


4 minutes



05 Aug 2023

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Sip your way to better health: The miraculous benefits of green tea!

Sip your way to better health: The miraculous benefits of green tea!

Tea lovers, rejoice! Green tea is a popular beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries and is known for its numerous health benefits. Whether you are looking to improve your physical health, and mental well-being, or just enjoy a delicious cup of tea, green tea has got you covered. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of drinking green tea and why it should be a part of your daily routine. Boosts Metabolism and Promotes Weight Loss One of…


3 minutes



29 Jul 2023

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Dos and Don’ts for Healthy Thyroid

Dos and Don’ts for Healthy Thyroid

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck that plays a crucial role in regulating the body's metabolism. When it is functioning properly, it produces hormones that help to control the rate at which the body burns calories and converts food into energy. However, when the thyroid gland is not functioning correctly, it can lead to a variety of health problems, including weight gain, fatigue, and even depression. In this article, we will discuss the dos…


3 minutes



29 Jul 2023

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Fuel Your Day: 5 Lunchbox Essentials for Non-Stop Energy at Work

Fuel Your Day: 5 Lunchbox Essentials for Non-Stop Energy at Work

Are you someone who often feels tired and drained at work? Do you find it difficult to concentrate and focus on your tasks? If so, you're not alone. Many people experience fatigue and low energy levels at work, which can affect their productivity and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore what makes us tired at work and provide five things you can carry in your lunchbox to stay energized and focused throughout the day. What Makes Us…


4 minutes



29 Jul 2023

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Cracking the Code: Understanding and Treating Dry Skin

Cracking the Code: Understanding and Treating Dry Skin

How to manage dry skin? Dry skin is a common condition that can cause itching, flaking, and tightness. Genetic factors, harsh soaps, cold weather, and low humidity can cause it. If you're struggling with dry skin, there are several things you can do to manage the condition and keep your skin looking and feeling its best. In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the best ways to manage dry skin. Use a gentle, hydrating cleanser A gentle, hydrating cleanser…


3 minutes



29 Jul 2023

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Breathe Easy: How Your Gut Health Can Help Prevent Asthma and Allergies

Breathe Easy: How Your Gut Health Can Help Prevent Asthma and Allergies

Are you tired of constantly sneezing and coughing due to allergies or asthma? Have you ever considered that the solution might be in your gut? That's right, the health of your gut can play a significant role in the development and management of allergies and asthma. Studies have shown that the human gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiota. This gut microbiota plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health, including immune function. However,…


4 minutes



28 Jul 2023

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