Have you been cutting out your favourite foods and Exercising like crazy but still not losing weight? Do you have irregular periods? Do you experience extremely heavy flow when you are on your period? You might be suffering from PCOS. And the best cure remains weight loss. But that’s the most difficult one too since losing weight while suffering from PCOS is no cakewalk. Don’t worry, We’ve got you covered!
What is PCOS?
The polycystic ovarian syndrome affects women during their menstruation years. It might manifest in the form of irregular periods or heavy and lengthy menstrual cycles.
There is no recognised cause for it, although the situation may worsen due to the presence of extra androgen, insulin resistance, Low-grade inflammation and genetic causes.
Shedding weight and early diagnosis and treatment may help to avoid developing long-term ailments like type 2 diabetes and heart issues.
In women with PCOS, even a modest weight loss of about 5% can enhance insulin resistance, hormone levels, menstrual cycles, fertility, and general quality of life.
Studies suggest that about 40-80% of women with PCOS struggle with weight issues.
Read more: Is PCOS Genetic?
But why is it so hard to lose weight when suffering from PCOS?
Your pancreas produces more insulin as a result of PCOS, making your body more resistant to the hormone. Insulin is a hormone that stimulates appetite. The presence of excess insulin leads to increased hunger, urgent cravings and fat storage caused by the presence of may result in weight gain.
In PCOS, other hormones that control satiety and hunger may also be impacted.
The hormone regulating hunger and the feeling of fullness is impaired and may make weight loss and weight management challenging for those with PCOS.
Insulin, ghrelin, and other hormones may be affected by PCOS, which can boost appetite and fat retention.
Androgen, a male hormone is produced in huge amounts when insulin levels are high. The signs of high androgen levels include body hair development, acne, irregular periods, and weight gain. Male hormones produce weight gain, which usually occurs in the abdomen. In this area, men typically have more influence.

How to lose weight with PCOS?
- Exercise is key: Exercises that include cardio and weightlifting can help women with PCOS lose body fat and improve insulin sensitivity. According to Doctors, exercising right before a meal might boost metabolism and cause you to store more carbohydrates as energy than fat. It is recommended that an adult woman should exercise for at least 30 minutes,5-6 times a week to efficiently lose weight and enhance her metabolism.
- Eat slowly and Mindfully: Weight loss may be aided by mindful eating, which enhances awareness of internal eating triggers. Mindful eating assists in lowering disordered eating patterns and promoting weight loss by altering eating habits and lowering the stress associated with eating. Additionally, it teaches you how to differentiate between physical and emotional hunger.
- No Starving: Starving and undereating are a big NO-NO when it comes to losing weight with PCOS. Your metabolism may slow down if you restrict your calories frequently, which could result in weight gain. Instead of restricting your diet, try switching to a diet high in whole, unprocessed foods to aid in weight loss. Ghrelin, often known as the hunger hormone, will be secreted by the body’s highly developed internal messaging and biofeedback system if you severely restrict your caloric intake or eliminate certain food types and you may find yourself experiencing urgent cravings. You should consume a minimum of 1200 calories to ensure health and well-being.
- Reduce Carbs, Increase Protein: A higher protein consumption helps control blood sugar levels and makes you feel more satisfied after eating. Bad simple carbs should be replaced with high-fibrous complex carbs found in fruits and vegetables to facilitate weight loss.
- Sleep well: Obesity is related to poor sleep. Increasing your sleeping hours to shed off body fat. It is recommended that adults must sleep 6–8 hours a night to aid in weight loss.
- Reduce stress: Stress is never good. Chronic stress is associated with high cortisol levels, which are connected to insulin resistance and belly obesity. Yoga, meditation, and outdoor activities can help you release stress and may also result in a decline in cortisol levels.
Take Away
Lifestyle change is the key to losing weight when suffering from PCOS. Although it is difficult to lose weight With this condition, it is not impossible! Incorporating changes such as exercising.
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