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Sonali Sachdeva

Nutritionist | 22 Yrs. of experience

Sakina Hashmi

Nutritionist | 7 Yrs. of experience

Abhilasha Sharma

Nutritionist | 5 Yrs. of experience

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Our take on demystifying buzzwords in nutrition, supplements, diets, and fads as it allows you to make informed decisions about your health. Understanding the science behind these buzzwords can help you choose the right supplements and diets.

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New yoga packs are here!

Everyone is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to exercise. Finding a preferred form of movement is key to making exercise a sustainable part of your routine. By incorporating enjoyable forms of movement into their routine, you can improve your overall quality of life.

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Mental Health

Upcoming webinar on 23rd Mar.
Mental Health

Taking care of our mental health is an ongoing process that requires self-care, self-compassion, and a willingness to seek help when needed. Our articles approach mental health by considering the right diet, exercise, stress management, and social connections.

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Sleep Health

Upcoming webinar on 23rd Mar.
Sleep Health

Our take on why good sleep is all we should be aspiring towards! Quality sleep is essential for physical and mental restoration, memory consolidation, and emotional regulation along with symptomatic relief for chronic health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.

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We follow a 3 step approach to provide scientifically accurate and updated information in easy to understand language!

Our editorial team does thorough research on the topics before they start to write, so we have a meaningful article for you. We share the links of those sources at the end of each article.
We have a team of clinical nutritionists, doctors, fitness experts and health coaches who review and validate the articles.
We also continually monitor the health and wellness space, and update our articles for any new information.

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Types of Therapy: Which therapy approach is best for you?

Types of Therapy: Which therapy approach is best for you?

Embarking on a therapy journey can feel a bit like finding your way through a maze. With so many different types of therapy out there, how do you know which one is right for you? Whether you’re new to therapy or looking to switch things up, understanding the different types of therapy is the first step to choose which approach - or a combination - might work best for you.  What are the different types of therapy approaches? You might…


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07 Feb 2024

What is Therapy? What You Need to Know Before You Start

What is Therapy? What You Need to Know Before You Start

While the conversation around therapy has definitely exploded over the last few years, there is not enough  So let’s break down the basics: What is Therapy? Therapy is an umbrella term for a number of medical treatment approaches that help manage emotional distress. It’s also often called ‘talk therapy’ or psychotherapy. It not only helps reduce the symptoms - such as anger, stress or sadness - but can also help identify root causes of people’s behavior. This, in turn, can…


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06 Feb 2024

Fats: Everything You Need to Know in One Place

Fats: Everything You Need to Know in One Place

Welcome to our Foundations of Food series – where you can get comprehensive, beginner-friendly guides to the foundations of nutrition, to help you make better, more informed choices about your health. Fats have often been considered the enemy of a healthy diet. But like carbs, they're often misunderstood. Not all fats are bad for you. In fact, healthy fats are an essential component of a well-balanced diet. In this comprehensive guide, the second of our Foundations of Food series, we will unpack…


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01 Feb 2024

How Do We Reward Ourselves? Our Brain on Dopamine

How Do We Reward Ourselves? Our Brain on Dopamine

The first of our How to Feel Good series. Check out the other parts of the series here: serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins. Remember that rush of pleasure you get every time you go shopping? Or bite into that cookie you’ve been craving? Or get a bunch of likes on your latest social media post? That’s the ‘dopamine rush’ - a feeling of pleasure we get because of dopamine, one of the ‘feel-good’ chemicals produced by the brain. Although we tend…


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Carbs: Everything You Need to Know In One Place

Carbs: Everything You Need to Know In One Place

Welcome to our Foundations of Food series - where you can get comprehensive, beginner-friendly guides to the foundations of nutrition, to help you make better, more informed choices about your health. Carbs, or carbohydrates, are often the subject of debate in the world of nutrition - ranging from being called ‘essential’ to your diet to being labeled as ‘harmful’. There’s so much information out there to sift through that it often becomes hard to know what to believe. In this…


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Five Foods to Help You With Your Period Pain (and Four to Avoid)

Five Foods to Help You With Your Period Pain (and Four to Avoid)

Period pain, also known as menstrual cramps or dysmenorrhea, are cramps and pelvic pain that you may experience during menstruation. This happens because every month, the lining that has built up within the uterus is shed - unless you’re pregnant - and the muscles of the womb contract and relax in an irregular rhythm to do so. Prostaglandins, chemicals that induce uterine muscle contractions, are the primary cause of period pain. Estrogen, one of the primary reproductive hormones in women,…


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Recipes to help you with health & wellness journey

Understanding Metabolism

Vegetable Spring Roll

Crunchy parcels filled with vibrant veggies rolled into golden perfection!



30 MINS.

Understanding Metabolism

Vegetable Burger

A delightful combination of crunchy vegetable patty sandwiched between soft burger buns.



60 MINS.

Understanding Metabolism

Dal ke Pakode

Crispy lentil fritters that bring warmth with every bite!



30 MINS.

Understanding Metabolism

Broken Wheat Coconut Porridge

A creamy, nutty winter comfort in every spoonful.



30 MINS.

Understanding Metabolism

Gud ki Roti

A warm, sweet embrace in every bite, perfect for cozy winter mornings.



30 MINS.

Understanding Metabolism

Caramelized Walnuts

Winter's crunchy delight, sweetly dressed in golden warmth.



15 MINS.

Understanding Metabolism

Til Chikki

Crunchy winter delight, spotlighting caramelized sesame seeds for a sweet seasonal treat.



30 MINS.

Understanding Metabolism

Bajra Raab

A nourishing blend of bajra flour and the sweetness of jaggery, offering warmth in every spoonful.



30 MINS.

Understanding Metabolism

Healthy Mayonnaise

A creamy, nutritious spin on mayo, blending paneer and cashews for flavourful indulgence.



30 MINS.

View all recipes on Healthy Evening Snacks

Product Reviews

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Supercharge Your Health With Halim Seeds

Supercharge Your Health With Halim Seeds

Seeds such as sunflower, watermelon, and chia are easily available and well-known for their nutritional benefits, earning them the coveted title of "superfoods." They contain an impressive mix of macro and micronutrients that make them an excellent addition to a daily diet for overall health and well-being. However, there are some seeds that are equally nutritious but often overlooked, and halim seeds are one such example. Halim seeds are also known as garden cress, watercress, aliv, or chandrasur seeds. These…

The Ultimate Guide to Energy Bars : 6 Brands to watch out for!

The Ultimate Guide to Energy Bars : 6 Brands to watch out for!

Low energy levels? Finding it hard to stay active during the day? While it may be tempting to reach for a cup of tea or coffee, the caffeine boost can have negative effects on gut health and overall well-being in the long term. A healthier alternative is to opt for energy bars that are rich in nutrients and provide a source of energy and calories. Before selecting an energy bar, it's crucial to read the labels carefully, ensuring that the…

Batter Up! A Deep Dive Into The Top 5 Pancake Mixes For Kids

Batter Up! A Deep Dive Into The Top 5 Pancake Mixes For Kids

Encouraging kids to eat healthy can be challenging, but pancakes are a definite crowd-pleaser. To help parents, new brands are entering the D2C market with a focus on kids' nutrition. We've curated a list of five brands offering healthy pancake mixes for children without added refined sugar. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that children with medical conditions like diabetes or obesity should consult their healthcare professional before consuming these products. Slurrp Farm Brand Mission: Slurrp Farm focuses on…

Lactobites by Nutrizoe – a nutritious companion for lactating mothers

Lactobites by Nutrizoe – a nutritious companion for lactating mothers

Bringing traditional nutrient packed ingredients to serve breast-feeding mothers Exclusive breastfeeding is probably the simplest way for infants to meet all of their nutritional needs in the early months. It helps provide essential nutrition for a baby’s growth & development, and helps build immunity – providing protection from various infections and diseases. The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding for about the first 6 months, with continued breastfeeding along with introducing appropriate complementary foods for up to 2 years of…

Water Kefir by Mavi’s Pantry – probiotic drink for a happy gut

Water Kefir by Mavi’s Pantry – probiotic drink for a happy gut

As gut-friendly drinks gain popularity, one traditional drink making its mark is Water Kefir by Mavi’s Pantry! Kefir is a probiotic, traditional Indian beverage, created through the fermentation of kefir grains. These grains are composed of a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY) and are a mass of microorganisms held together by a matrix of proteins, sugars, and lipids, with a cauliflower-like appearance. When kefir grains are fermented with milk or water, the resulting beverage offers a range of…

Edible teethers by Early Foods – chewing glory for your young ones!

Edible teethers by Early Foods – chewing glory for your young ones!

You may have come across silicone or wooden teethers, but have you tried edible teethers for your young ones yet? Most babies start teething around 6 months, which is also usually when mothers transition their babies to solid foods. During the teething period, infants and toddlers often experience irritability and discomfort. Silicone or wooden-based teethers are commonly available to help relieve these teething symptoms. Some mothers also use food options like carrots as an alternative. Early research has shown that…

5 Homegrown Brands that are making Millet Based Dry Snacks for Kids!

5 Homegrown Brands that are making Millet Based Dry Snacks for Kids!

As parents, we prioritise making healthy food choices for our little ones, whether it's for school, after-school activities, or playtime. Finding a convenient snack that is both nutritious and delicious, without requiring significant preparation time, can be challenging. Research suggests that millets or cereal grains, which are part of the small-seeded grasses family, may offer a higher amount of macro and micronutrients when compared to mainstream crops. Incorporating millet into children's diets may help improve their growth and development. So…

Hemp for the Win with Health Horizons!

Hemp for the Win with Health Horizons!

The superfood that no one is talking about (yet!) - Health Horizons brings us Hemp Seeds, a highly misunderstood product that is packed with proteins, good fats and minerals! Hemp seeds are a highly nutritious food source that offer a variety of health benefits. They are an excellent source of plant-based protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own. Additionally, they are rich in healthy fats, particularly omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which…

What makes Hello Tempayy a unique vegan protein option?

What makes Hello Tempayy a unique vegan protein option?

Looking for easy ways to incorporate vegan friendly protein in your diet? Try “tempeh” by Hello Tempayy, made by fermenting whole non-GMO soybeans. Alternate and plant based protein options are increasing in popularity, and one such option is tempeh. As an easy addition to a variety of recipes, tempeh adds great nutritional value, especially for those who are vegan, lactose intolerant or allergic to gluten, and face difficulty in meeting their daily protein requirements. Hello Tempayy has brought this traditional…

The Ultimate Guide to Menstrual Cups

The Ultimate Guide to Menstrual Cups

Looking to make a switch from pads or tampons but unsure which brand to go for? Take your pick from these amazing brands! These little wonders are made from medical-grade silicone and are reusable, eco-friendly and comfortable to wear. Not only are they better for the environment, but they also save you money in the long run. Plus, no more worrying about leaks or changing your pad every few hours. Give menstrual cups a try and experience the freedom and…

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