Healthwatch by Shyft

Abhilasha Mangla

Abhilasha Mangla


Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation

Bio :

With over a decade of experience in teaching yoga, meditation, and breathing practices, Abhilasha is deeply committed to helping people find balance and well-being. She has explored various practices, including dance, body movement, hatha, and ashtanga yoga, to better understand the body. Furthermore, she has delved into various mindfulness practices to deepen her comprehension of meditation and its transformative effects.

Having specialized in creating personalized yoga programs for different health conditions for more than three years, she is dedicated to making a positive impact through simple lifestyle changes.

Certifications :

  • 200 Hr TTC The Yoga Institute, Mumbai, 2015
  • 300 Hr ATTC Sivananda Yoga, Kerala, 2013
  • 200 Hr TTC Sivananda Yoga, Uttarkashi, 2011

Articles from Abhilasha Mangla

Continue to read on a range of topics related to Exercise, Nutrition, Mental Health and Sleep Health.

Understanding Metabolism

Understanding Metabolism

The term metabolism is often used when talking about weight gain or weight loss. Many people blame weight gain or inability to lose weight on their body’s metabolism rate. Haven’t you looked at a fit person eating a hearty meal and praised their metabolism for being fast? Similarly, haven’t you blamed your slow metabolic rate when you’re not able to put off your weight? But what does metabolism mean? Can it be increased? In simple terms, metabolism refers to the…


4 minutes



14 Aug 2023


Exercises for Acid Reflux

Exercises for Acid Reflux

If you’re suffering from acid reflux you may be scared of working out as many exercises can bring out the worst symptoms of your disease. But doctors keep telling you to lose weight to cure the symptoms. Are you finding it tough to jostle between the two opposite realities? Don’t worry! We are here with a full guide on how to plan your workout regimen with acid reflux to stay healthy, safe and happy. Acid reflux is a condition where…


5 minutes



13 Aug 2023


Tossing and Turning: The Impact of Sleep Disorders

Tossing and Turning: The Impact of Sleep Disorders

Do you have permanent eye bags under your eyes, after you joined med school? Can you not sleep however much you try? Constant exhaustion? Randomly sleeping in the middle of the day? If these situations have been constant and have been causing a major hindrance in your life, you might be looking at something bigger than “routine problems”. Sleep disorders are illnesses that impair a person's ability to operate normally when they are awake by affecting the quantity, timing, or…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023

Most read

Gut health made easy: the top 10 exercises to try

Gut health made easy: the top 10 exercises to try

The secret to a happy gut? Exercise! Did you know that your gut health can affect not just your digestion but also your overall well-being? Yes, you heard that right! Your gut houses a diverse community of microorganisms, known as the gut microbiome, that play a crucial role in maintaining your physical and mental health. And maintaining a healthy gut should be our priority. But, how do you keep your gut healthy? Exercise can be your answer. How does exercise…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023

Most read

Twist and Breathe Your Way to Better Gut Health with Yoga

Twist and Breathe Your Way to Better Gut Health with Yoga

The human gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. From aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption to regulating the immune system and producing neurotransmitters, the gut microbiome has a hand in almost every aspect of our physical and mental health. Several factors can influence the health and diversity of the gut microbiome, including diet, stress, and medication use. One factor that has gained increasing…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023


Dos and Don’ts for Healthy Thyroid

Dos and Don’ts for Healthy Thyroid

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped gland located in the neck that plays a crucial role in regulating the body's metabolism. When it is functioning properly, it produces hormones that help to control the rate at which the body burns calories and converts food into energy. However, when the thyroid gland is not functioning correctly, it can lead to a variety of health problems, including weight gain, fatigue, and even depression. In this article, we will discuss the dos…


3 minutes



29 Jul 2023

Most read