Healthwatch by Shyft

Editor's Pick

Our editors' got an eye for always picking out the best. She is choosy and extremely careful in what she presents to you. Trust her judgement and read on!

Crack the Code: Understanding Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Crack the Code: Understanding Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load

Have you ever felt tired and hungry after a meal, even though you ate a lot of food? Or have you experienced a sudden spike in your energy level followed by a crash? If so, it may be related to the glycemic index and glycemic load of the food you ate. In this blog, we will discuss the glycemic index and glycemic load, how they affect our bodies, and how we can use this information to make better food choices.…


4 minutes



19 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

From Bacteria with Love: The Benefits of Mindful Eating for Gut Health

From Bacteria with Love: The Benefits of Mindful Eating for Gut Health

Are you ready to discover how mindful eating can make your gut bacteria do the happy dance and transform you into the superhero of your own health story? When it comes to maintaining a healthy gut, what you eat is just as important as how you eat it. Mindful eating, the practice of paying attention to your food and how it affects your body, can have a positive impact on your gut health. According to a study, mindful eating can…


3 minutes



19 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

Understanding Drug Allergies

Understanding Drug Allergies

Drug allergies can often be confusing to understand. It is difficult to identify the specific medicines you are allergic to. An immune system reaction to a medication is what constitutes a drug allergy. An allergy to drugs can be triggered by any medication, whether it is over-the-counter, prescribed, or herbal. Certain medications, however, are more likely to cause an allergic reaction. Allergy Triggers are often associated with certain Medications such as penicillin, sulfonamide-based antibiotics (sulfa drugs), Anticonvulsants, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines…


4 minutes



19 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

Myths about gout and high uric acid: Debunked!

Myths about gout and high uric acid: Debunked!

Gout is a painful form of arthritis caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals in the joints. While it's a common condition, there are many myths and misconceptions about it. In this article, we'll explore some of the most common myths and provide evidence-based information on how to manage this condition. Myth: Gout is caused by eating too much red meat One of the most persistent myths about gout is that it's caused by eating too much red meat.…


3 minutes



14 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

Spotting the Signs of Depression: How to Get the Help You Need

Spotting the Signs of Depression: How to Get the Help You Need

Depression affects an estimated 264 million people worldwide. Yes, you read that right. Depression is a serious mental health condition that can affect people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. While it is normal to experience feelings of sadness and low mood from time to time, depression is more than just feeling down. It is a complex mental health condition that can affect every aspect of a person's life. Recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression is crucial to…


3 minutes



13 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

The Rainbow Diet: Weight Loss With Colour

The Rainbow Diet: Weight Loss With Colour

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the connection between nutrition and weight loss. The idea of following a specific diet to lose weight is not new, but the Rainbow Diet takes a different approach, focusing on consuming a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables. This approach not only helps with weight loss but also promotes overall health and wellbeing. What is the Rainbow Diet? The Rainbow Diet is a simple concept that involves incorporating a variety…


4 minutes



13 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

Role of Iodine in Thyroid Health

Role of Iodine in Thyroid Health

Iodine is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped organ located in the neck that produces hormones that regulate many vital bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, and development. Iodine is a critical component of these hormones, and without it, the thyroid gland cannot produce them in sufficient amounts. In this article, we will discuss the role of iodine in the thyroid gland and why…


3 minutes



06 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

The 24-Hour Orchestra: The Fascinating Science of Circadian Rhythms

The 24-Hour Orchestra: The Fascinating Science of Circadian Rhythms

The body's internal clock is made up of 24-hour periods called circadian rhythms that work in the background to carry out vital processes and functions. The sleep-wake pattern is one of the most significant and well-known circadian cycles. Circadian rhythms, which are synced with a master schedule in the brain, are used by various bodily systems. A circadian cycle can encourage regular and restorative slumber when correctly positioned. However, when this circadian cycle is disrupted, it can lead to severe…


4 minutes



06 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

The Gut-Check: The Impact of Skipping Meals

The Gut-Check: The Impact of Skipping Meals

Think twice before skipping that meal, as it could very well be the key to unlocking the secrets of a healthy gut! From aiding in digestion and absorption of nutrients to supporting our immune system and even influencing our mood and mental health, the gut microbiome is a complex and fascinating part of our bodies. But did you know that one simple habit, like skipping meals, can have a significant impact on this delicate balance of bacteria in our gut?…


4 minutes



05 Aug 2023

Editor’s pick

Love in the Time of Bipolar: Practical Tips for Managing Relationships with Mental Health Concerns

Love in the Time of Bipolar: Practical Tips for Managing Relationships with Mental Health Concerns

Managing relationships can be a challenge for anyone, but for those with bipolar disorder, it can be even more difficult. Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects a person's mood, energy levels, and ability to function in their daily life. It can also affect their relationships with others. In this post, we will explore some practical ways to manage relationships while living with bipolar disorder. Understand your condition The first step in managing relationships while having bipolar disorder…


5 minutes



29 Jul 2023

Editor’s pick

Fats That Are Good For You: Why You Need Them In Your Diet

Fats That Are Good For You: Why You Need Them In Your Diet

Fats are often considered the enemy of a healthy diet. However, not all fats are bad for you. In fact, healthy fats are an essential component of a well-balanced diet. Consuming the right kind and amount of fats can improve your heart health, brain function, and overall well-being. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of healthy fats in your diet, their sources, and how to incorporate them into your meals. What are Fats? Fats are a type of…


4 minutes



29 Jul 2023

Editor’s pick

The endorphin effect: How exercise can transform your mental health

The endorphin effect: How exercise can transform your mental health

Exercise is not just essential for maintaining physical health but also plays a crucial role in mental health, particularly when it comes to depression. Depression is a widespread mental illness that affects more than 264 million people worldwide. Exercise has proven to be an effective treatment for depression, with numerous studies highlighting the positive impact of physical activity on depression. In this blog, we will discuss the different types of exercises that can help manage depression and improve overall well-being.…


3 minutes



28 Jul 2023

Editor’s pick