Healthwatch by Shyft


Best takeaways, packed with practical tips, read the featured articles for your health goal here

Breaking patterns and addictions- understanding harmful health habits

Breaking patterns and addictions- understanding harmful health habits

We all have habits that we wish we could break. Whether it's smoking, excessive drinking, overeating, or not getting enough exercise, harmful health habits can be difficult to break. These habits are often deeply ingrained patterns of behaviour that have developed over years, if not decades. But breaking these patterns and addictions is essential for our overall health and well-being. Harmful health habits are often deeply ingrained patterns of behaviour that have developed over years, if not decades. These habits…


5 minutes



19 Aug 2023


Creating the Ultimate Sleep Sanctuary: Tips for a Restful Night’s Sleep

Creating the Ultimate Sleep Sanctuary: Tips for a Restful Night’s Sleep

Are you tired of feeling tired? Sleep is essential for good health, yet many of us struggle to get the recommended amount each night. But what if the solution to a better night's sleep was right in front of us? In fact, it might be as simple as optimizing our bedroom environment. From lighting and temperature to noise and décor, the way we design and use our bedrooms can have a significant impact on our sleep quality. So let’s dive…


4 minutes



19 Aug 2023


Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Do I have it?

Understanding Bipolar Disorder: Do I have it?

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that affects millions of people around the world. It's a complex illness that can be difficult to understand, even for those who live with it. In this blog, we will explore what bipolar disorder is, its causes, and how it's diagnosed and treated. What is bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, or manic-depressive illness, is a mental health condition that causes extreme shifts in general mood, energy, and activity levels. This means people with Bipolar…


6 minutes



19 Aug 2023


The Power of Movement: Stimulating Digestive Muscles with Swimming

The Power of Movement: Stimulating Digestive Muscles with Swimming

Splash into better gut health with the power of swimming! Swimming is a fun and low-impact exercise that provides numerous physical and mental benefits. One of the lesser-known benefits of swimming is its impact on gut health. According to research, regular swimming can help improve gut health, boost digestion, and reduce the risk of gut-related issues. How swimming helps gut health Swimming is one of the most popular and beloved sports worldwide. Not only is it a fun and enjoyable…


3 minutes



19 Aug 2023


The Dash Diet

The Dash Diet

Tired of the fad diets floating around in the market? Fed up with hearing different methods of weight loss being advertised without any health significance? Looking for a sustainable diet to lose weight and also become a healthy and satisfied person? You’ve come to the right place! We are here with one of the most popular and nutritious diets. But don’t let us convince you! Read about its benefits and decide for yourself. What is the Dash Diet? Dietary Approaches…


3 minutes



19 Aug 2023


Understanding Metabolism

Understanding Metabolism

The term metabolism is often used when talking about weight gain or weight loss. Many people blame weight gain or inability to lose weight on their body’s metabolism rate. Haven’t you looked at a fit person eating a hearty meal and praised their metabolism for being fast? Similarly, haven’t you blamed your slow metabolic rate when you’re not able to put off your weight? But what does metabolism mean? Can it be increased? In simple terms, metabolism refers to the…


4 minutes



14 Aug 2023


PCOS and Strengthening your immune system

PCOS and Strengthening your immune system

PCOS comes with a lot of symptoms. It's often hard to determine whether something is happening because of PCOS or a general health issue. If you have PCOS, you might have often wondered why you get sick quickly. This might be due to a low immune system, which PCOS can cause. How to strengthen your immune system? Try cutting on dairy and gluten. The gut has difficulty breaking down the proteins in dairy and gluten. Inflammation in your stomach serves…


2 minutes



14 Aug 2023


FODMAP Diet For IBS Relief

FODMAP Diet For IBS Relief

It is not surprising that the quality of life of someone living with IBS can be significantly impacted by the presence of symptoms including constipation, diarrhoea, gas, and bloating. Some people with IBS find relief from changing their diet. For many, avoiding the foods that bring on symptoms is the first line of treatment. Various diets have been found to reduce IBS symptoms. Even though your body may react differently to a diet as compared to others, the most commonly…


3 minutes



14 Aug 2023


Living with Bipolar Disorder

Living with Bipolar Disorder

Living with bipolar disorder can be a challenging and complex experience. Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a mental health condition characterized by episodes of extreme mood swings. These mood swings can range from periods of intense energy and euphoria, known as manic or hypomanic episodes, to periods of deep sadness, known as depressive episodes. While bipolar disorder affects people in different ways, there are some common experiences that people with bipolar disorder may have to navigate. In…


3 minutes



14 Aug 2023


Tests for Thyroid Disorders

Tests for Thyroid Disorders

Thyroid tests generally involve blood tests, tests that make use of radioactive iodine, and imaging tests. Most tests are used to determine the functioning capacity of the thyroid gland. Imaging tests are required to investigate structural abnormalities, like nodules or goitre. When should you get your thyroid tested? It is recommended that all adults should undergo screening for thyroid disorders with a thyroid profile blood test every five years, starting from the age of thirty-five years. One should not ignore…


3 minutes



13 Aug 2023


The Importance of a Healthy Postnatal Diet: Tips for New Moms

The Importance of a Healthy Postnatal Diet: Tips for New Moms

Congratulations on becoming a new mom! As you navigate through the joys and challenges of motherhood, one thing that should never be overlooked is your postnatal diet. After all, it's not just about nourishing yourself but also your little one who relies solely on you for nutrition. A healthy postnatal diet can help you recover from childbirth faster and provide essential nutrients to support breastfeeding. In this blog post, we'll explore some tips and tricks to help new moms prioritize…


8 minutes



13 Aug 2023


Exercises for Acid Reflux

Exercises for Acid Reflux

If you’re suffering from acid reflux you may be scared of working out as many exercises can bring out the worst symptoms of your disease. But doctors keep telling you to lose weight to cure the symptoms. Are you finding it tough to jostle between the two opposite realities? Don’t worry! We are here with a full guide on how to plan your workout regimen with acid reflux to stay healthy, safe and happy. Acid reflux is a condition where…


5 minutes



13 Aug 2023
