Is the master diet that caters to celebrities like Ariana Grande, Miley Cyrus, and even Queen Beyonce, good for you? Or is veganism another feather in the cap of Fad diets you should ignore? Let’s find out!
Understanding the vegan diet
First, all animal products are off limits on a vegan diet including meat, eggs, and even dairy! And secondly, it is much more than just a diet. The term “veganism” refers to a way of life that refuses to take part in any form of animal abuse or exploitation for any purpose.
The vegan diet has several variations, however, a common factor remains that vegans tend to be thinner and have a lower body mass index. But moreover, the vegan diet claims to make you a healthier individual altogether! Let’s find out how
The science behind it…
- Vegan Weight Loss Magic: Vegan eating tends to be especially good at assisting in naturally reducing calorie intake, which leads to weight loss. Vegans consume a lot of fibre since their diets are plant-based. Many reasons besides merely regular bowel movements make increasing fibre intake important for weight loss (and overall health). Fibre helps us resist the urge to nibble by keeping us full and satisfied until our next meal. It controls our blood pressure, maintains healthy cholesterol levels, and even has anti-inflammatory effects. A high-fibre diet is necessary for both weight loss and maintenance of the same.
- Saturated fats, a No No: An increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and overall mortality is attributed to saturated fats. They are unhealthy, not good for you, and must take up a maximum of 10 per cent of your calorie intake,
according to the World Health Organisation. Your intake of saturated fat is reduced on a dime when you stop eating animal products. Plant-based diets emphasise heart-healthy unsaturated fats and “good” carbs, allowing for increased intakes of fibre, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

- Popeye Energy: Growing up, popeye eating spinach out of a can each time he needed an energy boost is something that was made into an example by all parents to get children to consume a more plant-based diet. However, everyone’s a little sceptical in believing that a plant-based diet can be successful in providing more energy vis-a-vis whole foods and animal products. But this misconception is not true, if you consume a healthy amount of calories plant foods can be successful in providing energy, a technique that even some athletes swear by.
Just the fact that your body has to work more to process animal products than it does grains, nuts, seeds, and beans could give you more energy. Carbohydrates, which are generally more abundant in plant-based foods and diets, are what your body needs to thrive. Your energy levels may increase if you switch from a low-carb diet to a healthy plant-based diet, which may inspire you to incorporate exercise more frequently into your weight loss plan.
- Veganism the antidote: According to studies, indices of blood sugar control are improved by vegan diets, which seem to be particularly effective in the area. They might also reduce the chance of type 2 diabetes. The higher fibre consumption, which may dampen the blood sugar response, may account for some of the benefits. The weight loss caused by following such a diet may also help to lower blood sugar levels. Vegan diets are also believed to benefit cardiovascular health, according to preliminary investigations.
Despite the various advantages, many claims that the vegan diet is a double-edged sword and might have a few side effects. Vegan eating habits can be very restrictive. When following a vegan diet, you might develop vitamin B-12 deficiency, and if you don’t get enough sun exposure, a vitamin D deficiency as well. Supplements can be considered to keep these in check. Alongside, you may also experience a lack of omega-3 fats, iodine, iron, calcium, and zinc when on a vegan diet. Lack of protein is a possibility when dieting. It may be that you are not eating enough protein to maintain muscle mass after working out. Hence it is important to follow the vegan diet healthily and sustainably.
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