Healthwatch by Shyft



Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD can be a difficult situation to live with. Coping with its symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and anxiety issues, can be a tricky affair. If you are wondering what more you can add to the treatment equation, to make it perfectly balanced, it's time for exercise to enter the mix. So let’s lace up and explore what potential exercise can hold for people living with ADHD! Why does exercise work at all? Let’s first understand how a mental health condition can be treated with physical exercise. To simplify, ADHD is caused due to a glitch in the functioning of the brain’s attention system. Neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine control these attention circuits and when they fall short, that’s where the problem begins. Medications prescribed to someone with ADHD essentially help with the production of these neurotransmitters to improve the situation. As several studies have shown, when you run, swim, or do any sort of exercise, these neurotransmitters are released which helps one cope with their attention problems. Exercise, thus is being increasingly suggested as a complimentary element to the overall treatment. Benefits of Exercise for ADHD Now that we’ve got all that out of the way, allow us to list out some of the benefits that exercise holds for a person living with ADHD: Exercise can improve your impulsivity. It can help with improved attention control while performing tasks. Studies have shown, that exercise improves cognitive flexibility which is the ability to switch between different tasks. It has also been discovered that exercise can also result in improved academic performance. Apart from significantly improving the main symptoms of ADHD, exercise is also a proven technique to relieve stress. Thus having a workout routine appropriate for your age can help you with the anxiety that comes with ADHD. What kind of exercises works for people with ADHD?  There are a number of different workouts one could engage in. However, it is important to note, that every case is different, and due consideration with a medical health professional is necessary before picking up the routine. Following are the type of exercises you can get into: You could go for cardiovascular exercise like aerobics. There have been several studies conducted that indicate the positive effects of such exercise on attention span. If cardio is not your cup of tea, you could play several sports, that will help not only help you improve your cognitive function but also help elevate social anxiety if that’s something you are struggling with. Sports like football, tennis, and rugby are some of the great picks. If you don’t crave a big team scene, or just want to pick something a bit more different, you could dabble in gymnastics, martial arts, rock climbing, swimming, etc. These exercises will train you in solving complex problems. Yoga is another option you could go for. It can help in managing anxiety to a great extent. A disclaimer you must read  While we are discussing several workouts that can work for you, or someone whom you know, it is important to keep a few things in mind : Advice from a medical health professional is necessary. ADHD is a complex situation and diving into workouts without proper assistance can be detrimental. Exercise alone, will not do wonders. As was mentioned before, it is a complimentary treatment. Deciding or not deciding to exercise depends also depends on the medications that have been prescribed Basically, keep your doc in the loop, and everything will be fine! In conclusion, exercise can be a simple and powerful tool for managing symptoms of ADHD. From reducing impulsiveness to increasing focus, physical activity has numerous benefits for individuals living with ADHD. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a full-blown workout, the key is to find an activity that works for you and make it a part of your daily routine.

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Exercises that can be helpful for individuals with ADHD include aerobic exercises, strength training, yoga, and martial arts, as they can help improve focus, attention, and executive functioning skills.

The Workout Solution for ADHD: How Exercise Can Help

The Workout Solution for ADHD: How Exercise Can Help

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD can be a difficult situation to live with. Coping with its symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and anxiety issues, can be a tricky affair. If you are wondering what more you can add to the treatment equation, to make it perfectly balanced, it's time for exercise to enter the mix. So let’s lace up and explore what potential exercise can hold for people living with ADHD! Why does exercise work at all? Let’s first…


4 minutes



29 Jul 2023


Understanding ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a neurological disorder that affects both children and adults, characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, making it difficult to focus on tasks, follow through with responsibilities, and control impulses. Read on to learn what it entails.

ADHD and the challenges of work, home, and beyond

ADHD and the challenges of work, home, and beyond

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can be a complex condition to live with. Navigating various facets of life, be it academics, work or relationships can be difficult. We must realize that an ADHD brain works different, it is not “broken” or “less capable”, we just need to understand the disorder better to make room for people who have it. How does having ADHD impact ones life?  When a person is diagnosed with ADHD, it is crucial to note that its impact…


4 minutes



14 Jul 2023


Debunking myths about ADHD

Debunking myths about ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental health disorder that affects a huge population, yet is shrouded in misconceptions and misunderstanding. From the idea that ADHD is just a lack of discipline to the belief that it only affects children, we will examine each myth and produce a well-rounded understanding of how this disorder manifests itself. Let the debunking commence! Myth 1: ADHD is only an issue that concerns children  Let us begin with the most common myth, that ADHD…


3 minutes



11 Apr 2023

Editor’s pick

Scrolling and Struggling: The Impact of Social Media on ADHD

Scrolling and Struggling: The Impact of Social Media on ADHD

In the time, where your meme gets lost in a second, never to be found again and news circulates on our stories like a forest fire, social media is undeniably a significant player in our lives. It impacts what we see, and how we see it, along with what we take away, both physically and mentally. Lately, though, every problem is being blamed on it. Would it be too far-fetched to say that social media has become our new favorite…


3 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Most read

ADHD in a Nutshell: A comprehensive guide

ADHD in a Nutshell: A comprehensive guide

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition affecting millions of people worldwide. Despite its prevalence, many people are unaware of what ADHD truly entails. Think of ADHD as the rebellious teenager of the mental health world - misunderstood and often labelled as just being 'hyper' or 'impulsive.' But, like any misunderstood teen, ADHD has a unique and intricate personality all its own. In this article, we're going to peel back the layers of ADHD and uncover its quirks,…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023



The treatment of ADHD typically involves a combination of medication, behavioural therapy, and lifestyle modifications, tailored to the individual's specific needs and symptoms.

Treatment for ADHD: All You Need to Know!

Treatment for ADHD: All You Need to Know!

When you get diagnosed with ADHD, it is natural to be flooded with questions. What should be your next step? Now, we aren’t here to give you medical advice, but like a faithful friend, we want you to be aware of every option available to you for treating ADHD. Do keep in mind that what we provide is a general overview and the type of treatment suitable for someone depends on their age, symptoms, and a range of such factors.…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023


Navigating ADHD through Mindfulness Meditation Techniques

Navigating ADHD through Mindfulness Meditation Techniques

The world today moves at a brisk pace. Sometimes catching up can get overwhelming, especially if you have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Medicines (under a Doctor’s supervision) and therapy are the way to go, but if you truly want to enhance their impact and understand how your brain functions, practicing mindfulness meditation techniques can be immensely helpful. What is mindfulness? The concept of mindfulness is very simple to understand. It is the ability to be aware of where you…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023


Nutrition for ADHD typically involves a diet rich in protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, while avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and food additives, as these can exacerbate symptoms of ADHD.

Food habits and routines to make nutrition easy for a person with ADHD

Food habits and routines to make nutrition easy for a person with ADHD

Having a healthy nutritious diet can be a game changer for a person with ADHD. However, choosing the correct diet, and following the instructions can become confusing and overwhelming, for both parents who have children with ADHD, and adults who have ADHD. Don’t be your own Dietician  First and foremost, consult a medical professional, or someone who is equipped with the skills and qualifications to help you figure out, your nutritional needs. Only a professional would be able to tell…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

The Underdog of ADHD Treatment – Nutrition 

The Underdog of ADHD Treatment – Nutrition 

Nutrition plays a very crucial role in maintaining the well-being of a person. As has been defined by the World Health Organization, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” And having a healthy, nutrient-rich diet, is an essential component in maintaining or achieving this health. You all must have heard your parents or grandparents tell you, “If you would have eaten better, you wouldn’t have had to…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023

Editor’s pick


Conditions that are commonly linked to ADHD include anxiety disorders, depression, learning disabilities, conduct disorders, and substance abuse disorders.

When ADHD Comes with Extra Baggage: Understanding the Comorbidities

When ADHD Comes with Extra Baggage: Understanding the Comorbidities

Plus one, a lot of baggage incoming! Isn’t that the case with most things and situations in life? They come in with a lot of baggage you didn’t sign up for. In some cases, you haven’t even signed up for the situation itself, yet here you are dealing with it and the copious amount of baggage it has brought. The case with ADHD is not very different. Studies have shown that more than two third of individuals diagnosed with ADHD…


4 minutes



06 Apr 2023