Healthwatch by Shyft

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Top health reads: Informative articles on diet, exercise, mental health, chronic ailments & more

Migraines and Sleep: How to Optimize Your Sleep Habits for Fewer Attacks

Migraines and Sleep: How to Optimize Your Sleep Habits for Fewer Attacks

Migraines are a neurological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. They cause throbbing pain, sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and even vomiting. While many factors can trigger migraines, lack of quality sleep is a common trigger for many sufferers. When you don’t sleep well, everything irritates you. That irritation added to the troubles of migraine, we empathize with you. In this blog, we will explore how sleep habits can affect migraines and provide tips on how to optimize…


4 minutes



14 Jul 2023

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Busting Common PCOS Myths

Busting Common PCOS Myths

With a chronic ailment affecting one in every 5 women, come misjudged assumptions, myths, misplaced beliefs and whatnot. It can often be difficult to navigate a chronic ailment based on what people close to us say and supposedly benign advice which can potentially be completely unscientific. This is why we felt the need to collate some of the most commonly heard myths (to the extent that they are assumed to be true) to clear the air. Myth 1: PCOS is…


4 minutes



26 May 2023

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Nutrition 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Eating Well

Nutrition 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Eating Well

Proper nutrition is the foundation of good health. It is essential for the growth, development, and maintenance of the body. But with so many fad diets and conflicting information, it can be challenging to understand what a healthy diet means. This blog aims to explore the importance of proper nutrition in everyday life and provide practical tips for achieving a healthy and balanced diet. What is Proper Nutrition? Proper nutrition refers to the intake of essential nutrients for the body's…


4 minutes



26 May 2023


Everything You Need To Know About Preeclampsia: Causes, Risk Factors, Treatments

Everything You Need To Know About Preeclampsia: Causes, Risk Factors, Treatments

Preeclampsia can be a life-threatening condition for both mother and baby if not treated properly. In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at preeclampsia - what it is, the risk factors associated with it, and the treatments available to ensure the safety of both mother and baby. With all this information, you can make sure that you are well informed about this serious condition. Introduction to Preeclampsia preeclampsia is a disorder that can occur during pregnancy, typically after the…


5 minutes



26 May 2023

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Postnatal Weight Loss: Easy and Simple Tips

Postnatal Weight Loss: Easy and Simple Tips

It's no secret that getting back into shape after having a baby can be difficult. New mothers already have a lot on their plate and weight loss and the confusion surrounding postnatal weight loss can add undue stress. Are you also confused about how to diet and exercise after having a baby? Scared of all the internet fads that may affect your breastfeeding journey? Don’t fret! We’ve got you covered with this simple guide to easy and natural weight loss…


4 minutes



26 May 2023

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The Power of Food: How Your Plate Can Prevent and Manage Depression

The Power of Food: How Your Plate Can Prevent and Manage Depression

Depression is a common mental health disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. While there are various treatment options available, the link between nutrition and mental health is often overlooked. In recent years, several studies have found a strong connection between diet and mental health. In this blog, we will explore the science behind the link between nutrition and mental health. What is the link between nutrition and mental health? Nutrition plays a crucial role in maintaining good mental health.…


4 minutes



25 May 2023

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Caught in the Glare: The Link Between Mobile Screens and Sleep Quality

Caught in the Glare: The Link Between Mobile Screens and Sleep Quality

Did you know, multiple research studies show that using mobile screens for over 8 hours a day and within 30 minutes of sleep can reduce sleep quality. It turns out, your parents were right - putting down your phone before sleeping is important. Even having your phone near your pillow is linked to poor sleep, emphasizing the harmful impact of screens. While we aren’t here to discourage screen usage completely, our goal is to inform you on how screen exposure…


4 minutes



25 May 2023

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Understanding the Different Types of Sugar & What They Do to Your Body

Understanding the Different Types of Sugar & What They Do to Your Body

Wondering whether you should be eating less sugar? Confused about how sugar affects your body? We get it. Many of us have a complicated relationship with sugar, which stems from the different narratives created about it over the years. We grew up watching our parents douse their tea with spoonfuls of sugar and eating homemade sweets that were integral to any festive occasion. Sugar is an intrinsic part of how we mark a significant moment – celebrating anything joyful requires…


14 minutes



01 May 2023

Editor’s pick

Change up your diet in your 30s (you can thank us later!)

Change up your diet in your 30s (you can thank us later!)

Age, they say, is just a number. While we would not disagree, our bodies, with their biological clocks ticking, might. There are numerous changes that occur as you age, so it becomes important to change your habits to keep up with the body. Just making small changes in what and how you eat can go a long way in helping you stay healthy for years to come. Understanding bodily changes that happen during your 30s You are definitely ageing like…


4 minutes



26 Apr 2023

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Skin health and gut health – the not-so-obvious correlation

Skin health and gut health – the not-so-obvious correlation

We often consider topical treatments like cleansers, toners, and moisturisers when maintaining healthy skin. But did you know - what goes in your gut can significantly impact your skin's health? That's right! The gut-skin connection is accurate, and it's time to start paying attention to it. Why does gut health matter for healthy skin? The gut and the skin are both organs of elimination. It’s essential to understand if your gut is healthy or not. When one isn't functioning correctly,…


3 minutes



17 Apr 2023

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Lesser Known Symptoms of PCOS

Lesser Known Symptoms of PCOS

PCOS has a lot of symptoms that people have to deal with. Some of them are very well known as they are prevalent, like irregular periods, hirsutism, weight gain, or sleep troubles are well known. However, many others may not be that well-known but are equally essential to understand and address. In this blog, we will explore those lesser-known symptoms of PCOS for those suffering from them. Remember, you are not alone! Frequent headaches Regular headaches and migraines might develop…


2 minutes



11 Apr 2023

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The Impact of Hormones on Migraines: Understanding and Managing Fluctuations

The Impact of Hormones on Migraines: Understanding and Managing Fluctuations

Migraines are a common type of headache that can be triggered by a variety of factors, including hormones. Many women experience migraines around the time of their menstrual cycle, during pregnancy, or during menopause. In this blog post, we’ll explore the impact of hormones on migraines and provide tips for managing fluctuations. Understanding Hormones and Migraines Migraines are believed to be caused by changes in the brain and the way it processes information. Hormones, particularly estrogen, play a significant role…


3 minutes



11 Apr 2023

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