Burning pain behind the breastbone, in the upper abdomen, and in the chest are common symptoms of acid reflux. If you frequently experience these, you know that the unpleasant sensation of having an acidic or sour taste in the throat can be accompanied by bloating and gas.
Many of the unpleasant symptoms of acid reflux can be alleviated by using over-the-counter drugs; however, most antacid medications contain excessive amounts of minerals that affect the pH of your gut and can severely deplete you of all your nutrients.
Long-term usage of antacids can cause more serious health problems than merely a change in stomach acidity; these include heart disease, an increased risk of cancer, high blood pressure, and even hair loss. If you are looking for a solution to your acid attacks then you have come to the right place. We are here with a complete list of all the vitamins and supplements that can help alleviate your symptoms and provide relief. So let’s get started!
Apple Cider Vinegar
It is the first recommended natural treatment for indigestion and heartburn. Those on antacids, which can significantly lower stomach acid levels, may find this home cure very helpful in neutralising acid. Apple cider vinegar is a natural cure for several health issues, including acid reflux, high blood sugar, and digestive issues. Apple Cider Vinegar gummies and other tablet forms of apple cider vinegar may spare you from having trouble swallowing the liquid.
Because of its potent anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric is frequently recommended as a remedy for acid reflux. Turmeric tea is popular, but it can also be added to smoothies and other dishes. The chances are high that you’ve already eaten turmeric if you enjoy Indian cuisine.
Supplements and powdered forms of turmeric are widely available for consumption. There are many other ways in which turmeric is good for you. It can aid in digestion, protect against cancer, reduce blood pressure, and alleviate arthritic and joint discomfort.
Papaya supplement
If you have chronic heartburn, it’s conceivable that you’re also dealing with some sort of digestive issue. If you’re having trouble digesting food or dealing with heartburn, you can benefit from taking a papaya supplement. Proteins in food can be broken down into simpler amino acids by papaya enzymes, making them easier to digest and potentially boosting stomach acid production. Papain’s high concentration of digestive enzymes has been hypothesised to reduce acid reflux symptoms by making digestion easier on the body.
Beneficial microorganisms known as probiotics may alleviate acid reflux symptoms. The best method to get probiotics is by eating cultured dairy products. Probiotics are also great for your general health. They can enhance digestion, increase your immune system, and prevent obesity. You may add extra probiotics to your diet by routinely consuming yoghurt and kefir as well as by increasing your consumption of cottage cheese and cheese curds. Probiotics are also known to be healthy for your skin. They can help reduce acne and eczema and even help you grow stronger hair.
The hormone melatonin plays a crucial role in controlling the time spent sleeping and awake. Melatonin is commonly used to treat insomnia and enhance sleep quality, but research suggests it may also be useful in the management of acid reflux. According to certain studies, those with low melatonin levels are also more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal problems such as peptic ulcers and acid reflux. Moreover, melatonin’s potential to defend against oesophagal inflammation means it may be useful in preventing long-term health problems connected with acid reflux, such as Barrett’s oesophagus.
Vitamin B-12
The generation of red blood cells and the health of the heart and nervous system are two areas where vitamin B-12 plays a crucial role. Using antacids regularly can lead to vitamin B-12 deficiency, which in turn can damage your nerves and cause other health issues. To prevent this, it’s recommended that those who regularly take antacids also take vitamin B-12 supplements.
Vitamin B6
Deficits in B6 are common, despite their importance to health. Acid reflux is a possible outcome of this deficiency. Consuming a diet high in whole grains and legumes can help you avoid this problem. Vitamin B6 supplements are another option for ensuring adequate intake of this nutrient.
Magnesium is yet another substance that can aid those suffering from acid reflux. An all-natural tranquilliser, it eases muscle tension and calms the digestive system to ward off cramps and spasms. Magnesium tablets are widely available in vitamin and health food stores. Preventing heart disease, controlling blood pressure, and lifting your spirits are all additional benefits.

Take Away
The oesophagal sphincter is a sphincter muscle located above the stomach that closes it and prevents stomach acid from surging upward; however, if the sphincter isn’t functioning properly, stomach acid can slip through and up towards the oesophagus, causing the burning sensation many people are experiencing today, called acid reflux. Taking a vitamin or supplement may be enough to alleviate acid reflux symptoms. These supplements are useful in lowering acid reflux, but they work best when used in conjunction with other, similar healthy lifestyles and dietary modifications.
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